Bockchain’s appeal centres around its decentralised, high-speed, low-cost and immutable nature. A block is a collection of timestamped, peer-reviewed data that is managed and verified by its participants rather than by a centralised authority. Because a block can only store a finite amount of data (blocks), new blocks need to be created, thus making a chain of blocks – hence the term ‘blockchain’. The original intention of this technology centred around a medium of exchange and recording transactions. These transactions are conducted and recorded occur in seconds, with low transaction fees. More recently however, the expectations of its scope have blown the door wide open to other disciplines, including intellectual property.

© Easy Crypto SA Pty Ltd (“EasyCrypto”) encourages the following acknowledgements prior to investing in crypto asset technology: Investing in crypto assets involves a risk of loss. There is no guarantee that investments in crypto assets will be profitable. Past performance is not a representation of future performance. The value of crypto assets and their respective price appreciation is not guaranteed and can fluctuate based on market conditions. Clients are offered limited recourse facilities to the South African Financial Ombudsman Service or the Financial Service Conduct Authority in the event of a complaint relating to crypto asset investments. Crypto asset investments are not regulated by any centralised regulatory authority. Regulatory ambiguity around crypto assets remains prevalent in the South African legislative environment. Client accounts are not safeguarded by a financial services compensation scheme.

Before investing, EasyCrypto encourages clients to fully familiarise themselves with the associated risks and take into consideration their respective ability to adopt risk prior to investments in crypto asset instruments. It is the responsibility of any persons wishing to acquire crypto assets using EasyCrypto services to observe all applicable legal requirements and tax consequences within the countries of their citizenship, residence, domicile, and place of business with respect to the acquisition, holding or disposal of the crypto asset, and any foreign exchange restrictions that may be relevant thereto. EasyCrypto is the trading brand name of Easy Crypto SA Pty Ltd, registration number 2018/351198/07, and registered address 6 Bird St, Montegray House, Stellenbosch. Easy Crypto SA Pty Ltd is a private company incorporated under the laws of South Africa, employs a compliance officer and has voluntarily registered with the Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) as an accountable institution.

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